Help us spread the Word!

Thanks for stopping by our website. We are working with a variety of  churches and ministry organizations in Arkansas to collect new and used bibles for those who need to hear the Gospel.

Many people — especially those who have grown up in church — have multiple copies of God’s Word in their homes. However, many of those bibles never get opened. Instead, they just sit on a shelf and collect dust. Through the Arkansas Bible Project you can put your copies of the Word of God to good use for the Kingdom.

Just think: Your donated bible could end up in the hands of a prisoner, a battered woman, or a child or adult in a foreign country. The need for bibles is great! India, for example, is one of the most populous nations in the world, with over one billion people. However, 25 percent of their people can read and write in English. That’s over 250,000,000 individuals!

Our spring collection deadline is Easter Sunday, April 8. Click here to find a collection center near you. And help us spread the word to others in your circles of influence. Share this site with your Facebook and Twitter friends. Together we can make a Kingdom difference!